Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TOC seat #2

Short post, I gotta get to bed. I was able to make a comeback being the short stack with 4 left and take down the Poker from the Rail tourney. I didn't have AA or KK the entire tourney and when we were heads up, I got both within 3 hands.


lightning36 said...

Congrats, Jeremy. Looks like you are on your game.

BamBam said...

Very well done SJ !

oossuuu754 said...

Congrats way to thin the field. I love how my name is highlighted in your screenshot. LOL see you Thursday.

PokahDave said...

Unreal...you're playing great...me...not so much...

SmBoatDrinks said...

Congrats Jeremy & GL Thursday!

jjok said...

well done sir