(Read previous post) When we were at the final two tables, I made two big laydowns that I believe were correct. 2009 was pretty bad for me and I think a lot of it had to do with my inability to make a big laydown late in a tournament. I'm curious as to what others would have done in these situations.
Two tables left and I have about 25 big blinds. Active player opens utg+1 for 2.5xbb. I call in middle position with ATd. Big stack on the button calls very fast. Flop comes 5s6sTc. Opener cbets small and I reraise 3x his bet. Big stack button insta pushes all in. I didn't have much history at all on him. However, I knew from checking his stats that he wasn't a very profitable player. I don't see him making this play with JTo, KTo, or QTo. If he had a set, I would think that he would try to get more value but with two other players in and two spades on board he may be trying to chase away any draws. He also could've had top pair with flush draw. JJ and QQ are posibilities but I doubt it. I feel there are just too many hands that are ahead of me or that have a big draw so I puke in my mouth, fold, and am left with around 18bbs.
My next big lay down was against utg min raiser. He had just came to our table and did not see my previous lay down. I was in the BB and had AKo. I recognized this player and he was a very solid profitable player. Sometimes I just call in this spot being out of position. However, I didn't want to play a pot with this particular player oop. I had around 20 BBs and decided to reraise his 10k bet to 24,500. He tanked and used up 45 of his 60 second time bank and pushed all in. I barely had him covered. Him using the time bank appeared to me him trying to act weak, or he could've been checking my stats. Here again, I usually can't fold in this spot but I just had feeling he had AA, KK, or at best AK.
I see other players make these calls all the time and get lucky, but if I had called I probably would've been dominated. Does anyone else make these laydowns or am I just a nit?
My Personal Life, Part I: The Gift
2 weeks ago